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Essay on Population Problem - A Big Problem | MP Board Class 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th

Introduction – Looking at the population figures. we come to the conclusion that the population in India has been rapidly increasing. Though this is not a problem of India alone but of the world, it is certain that backward countries like India suffer most from it. In about 10 years the population increases by about five crores. At present, it is above 125 crores.

Low Standard of living – As science is making progress, the death rate is falling due to better medical facilities, while the birth rate is increasing. we have limited resources and national wealth. due to a large number of people, the income of an individual is very less. People cannot afford enough food, water and other necessities of life. acute poverty and starvation is the result.

Unemployment – Increasing the population is also resulting in the unemployment problem. It is becoming very difficult to provide jobs to so many people. this brings frustration among the youth .”Unemployment brings unrest and a threat to law, order, and peace in the country . the economy of the country may burst out at any time in the country.

Family Planning – The only solution to this problem is family planning. we will have to check the birth rate. a small family is the need of the hour . we can provide all the necessities of our children when their number is limited.

Marriage at proper age – one of the reasons for the growing population is early marriage also. people marry their children at a very early age. this results in early pregnancy and the birth of children. Now the government has made it compulsory that a girl under 19 and a boy under 21 cannot be married.

Conclusion – People are becoming aware of the problem and we hope that soon we shall bring it under control.